Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Yes, UDJ’s birth is significant!"

In a country where abuse of power and gross incompetence surpass hitherto unseen proportions, it is crucially important Ethiopians get leadership of a resident political party that they can trust. The June 17, 2008 General Assembly of Andnet (UDJ) gave them exactly that.

Technically speaking, June 17 did not herald the birth of a brand new party - the whole world including EPRDF knows that. What it did is proclaim the re-birth of Kinijit, the renaissance of a popular movement that was cut short by the unwise and still paranoid tendencies of a government that is at odds even with its own interests.

Popular movements have this thing that unsettle tyrants, even more so when they are organized under the banner of peaceful struggle. Look, for example, at EPRDF who used the silliest pretext to disrupt the UDJ GA meeting of June 14. If its leaders had a semblance of wisdom or a shred of commitment for the advancement of democracy in Ethiopia, they would have stepped in and let the GA proceed scoring some points for the benefit of their international backers who they care very much about. EPRDF’s silly action gave us a couple of clues on its fears . One, it is afraid UDJ will fall into the popular embrace of Ethiopians once again. Two, it is uncomfortable with a viable opposition from inside which could turn into a pain in the neck. Three, there will be a revival of pressure on EPRDF from international donors as UDJ escalates its peaceful ways. Four, with the worsening economic and political situation in Ethiopia, the opposition will have compelling reason to work under a minimum platform and increase the pressure on the government.

EPRDF’s attempt at disrupting the GA also ended up further energizing the spirit of the assembly participants, unsettling the diplomatic community, angering the general population and exposing the vulnerability of a government that tries so hard to portray images of a macho man.

There is a certain truth that any action by EPRDF or the dictates of the international community will never change. Ethiopians are determined to see their fight for democracy and good governance succeed no matter what the cost is and no matter how long the journey takes.

UDJ will stay the course of peaceful struggle and conduct its program in a much more organized manner. It will work for lasting victory guided by well-considered short and long term goals. It will leave no stone unturned to bring about national consensus and national reconciliation. It will stay vigilant and fight threats that work against the unity and territorial integrity of the country.

UDJ will be by the side of the drought victim, by the displaced citizen, by the side of the young and the old that suffer from a justice system that fails to serve the interest of all Ethiopians. It will be by the side of Ethiopians anywhere and everywhere. It will organize the people under the hallowed banner of democracy, justice and national unity confident that the general population, its members and leaders are behind it.

Yes, UDJ’s rebirth is significant!

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