Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To Kefe

My friend is wise a person
Never shy to seek opinion
Will see you labor and toil
Knowing fully well his will prevail

My friend is kindheartedly kind
Ever so supple and benigned
From a distance you will hear
His kind little heart flutter
At misfortune so slender

He is generous as generous can be
Will wine you, dine you
Will make you laugh and guff
But as you pray for the night to extend,
And speculate on the next round
Inquire he does you, my friend
If the night has not gone too wild

Talk about excitable? That is my friend
Never shy to take a new bull by the horn
And ride it ‘til it ain’t no fun.
But he is my friend, always will be.

Happy Birthday My Brother!
June 23, 2010

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